Love God, Love Neigbors…including Muslim Neighbors!

I normally don’t embed videos on this blog, so for those of you who would rather read a sermon than listen to one (as I normally would), I apologize.  However this message by my friend Rod Cardoza is worth the half-hour it’ll take you to hear it: Rod is the founder of The Abrahamic Alliance, a Silicon Valley-based ministry that seeks to build bridges between … Continue reading Love God, Love Neigbors…including Muslim Neighbors! »

Challenging truth? Bring it on!

There is a fascinating article in the Washington Post this morning on a new discovery that has the potential to shake up the world of physics.  It seems that an experiment at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, has everybody wondering if perhaps they’ve found evidence that a particle can travel faster than light.  This is important because if true, it means Einstein’s theory … Continue reading Challenging truth? Bring it on! »

Tom Wright on what deaths we support or oppose…

I strongly encourage you all to read Tom Wright’s American Christians and the death penalty in today’s Washington Post.  Tom’s asking the same questions I’ve been asking for years, critiquing the dichotomy between pro-capital-punishment “Pro-Life” Christians on one hand, and anti-capital-punishment “Pro-Choice” folks on the other.  He’s right on both counts.  And I was especially moved by his closing question: …how many folk out there … Continue reading Tom Wright on what deaths we support or oppose… »

It shall not be so among you!

I’ve hinted at various times throughout this blog that I’ve got issues with authority.  I’ve been far more direct about this in my comments on others’ blogs…particularly my friends Carson T. Clark and Kurt Willems.  I’ve always been going to get around to a serious ecclesiology post on church leadership, and I may yet.  This is not that post. Once again, I have witnessed an … Continue reading It shall not be so among you! »

Open? Yes! Affirming? No.

I’ve been running into a lot of comments from friends across the blogosphere lately, revolving around the issue of how the church should respond to homosexuality today.  I write this response with trepidation, because I have a hunch it’ll upset many of my more “liberal” friends with about the same level of fervor many of my other writings upset my “conservative” brethren.  However, I feel … Continue reading Open? Yes! Affirming? No. »

Some of what I believe today – Biblical interpretation

Those who’ve read my blog for any length of time know that I dispute the usual Evangelical/Fundamentalist doctrines of Biblical inspiration.  What may have not been so clear, except by extrapolation, is what I do (and do not) propose this means when it comes to the authority-basis for Christian belief and practice. I begin with the premise (unprovable—that’s why it’s a premise—but I believe it’s … Continue reading Some of what I believe today – Biblical interpretation »

“Evangelicals Without Blowhards” – Nicholas Kristoff speaks

I’ve not had time to write for the last couple weeks, but I have to recommend this editorial, Evangelicals Without Blowhards by Nicholas Kristoff in the New York Times.  Kristoff makes an excellent case for what happens when people actually try to live like Jesus instead of usurping the Holy Spirit’s role in convicting everyone else of sin.  He also gives a heartfelt tribute to … Continue reading “Evangelicals Without Blowhards” – Nicholas Kristoff speaks »