The Poor Will Always Be With You…Meaning What?

“The poor you will always have with you…”  So said Jesus according to the accounts of three of the four Gospel writers (Matt. 26:11, Mark 14:7, and John 12:8).  He said it in the context of someone objecting to a woman pouring perfume on his feet, when the value could have been given to the poor.  (aside…Matthew says the disciples objected and doesn’t identify the … Continue reading The Poor Will Always Be With You…Meaning What? »

Who Is My Enemy? by Lee C. Camp (book review)

I have just finished Lee C. Camp’s book Who Is My Enemy?   This is a book every American Christian should read–full stop.  It is also a book everyone who’s frustrated with the public political stance of American Christians should read.  And it’s also a book anyone wrestling with the questions of war and peace with regard to the church and/or teachings of Jesus Christ should … Continue reading Who Is My Enemy? by Lee C. Camp (book review) »

Shane Claiborne – When Soldiers Become Saints

Everyone, please go read Shane Claiborne’s excellent piece When Soldiers Become Saints over at Red Letter Christians.  Shane is telling us of a modern-day soldier who became a conscientious objector, and also of  St. Martin of Tours, whose feast day happened to coincide with Veterans’ Day.  This is the kind of church history we seldom hear. . .but should!

Open Theists From the Reformation to the Present

Greg Boyd tweeted out earlier this week that a friend of his has amassed quite a bit of historical evidence proving the open view was supported by Arminian theologians in 1642. He is working to get data published from Thomas’s work whether in the form of a book or a paper. These findings are significant because much of the claims against those who criticize open … Continue reading Open Theists From the Reformation to the Present »

In God We Trust…REALLY???

This evening, the U.S. House of Representatives is voting on a resolution reaffirming “In God We Trust” as the motto of the United States.  I’m sure the purpose of such a resolution, which changes nothing and has no force of law, is mainly to get an election-year vote on the books reaffirming the difference between “God’s Own Party” and the godless Democrats.  But with full … Continue reading In God We Trust…REALLY??? »

WJOW (Would Jesus Occupy Wall Street)?

The other day, a Facebook friend of mine posted a big caption on his profile:  “JESUS Is With the 99%.”  Predictably, he got a bunch of “likes” from his liberal buddies, and just as predictably, he got some major pushback from his conservative friends.  The Christian camp has divided along the usual lines, with one side loudly shouting that Jesus would join the rowdy crowd … Continue reading WJOW (Would Jesus Occupy Wall Street)? »