Every Christian ought to be a muslim (but not the way you think)!

OK, take a deep breath.  Trust me when I say I’m not asking anybody to throw away their Bible and start planning their pilgrimage to Mecca.  I am, however, going to attack some truly damaging language that I hear from many of my fellow Christians on the subject of Islam…language that I maintain is neither edifying nor honoring to God, and actually flat-out wrong.  There … Continue reading Every Christian ought to be a muslim (but not the way you think)! »

Tempted as we are?

A study group I’ve been meeting with has been asked to memorize Hebrews 4:14-16, and it’s dug up an old, nagging irritation for me.  The writer of Hebrews states that our High Priest, Jesus, “in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.”  I’ll come right to the point:  at least as that sentence reads in English, I cannot accept it as … Continue reading Tempted as we are? »

If Spirit = Breath, what of Theopneustos?

Those who know me well may have seen this coming…but now that we’ve looked at the Holy Spirit, not as a “being” but as the Wind/Breath of God (see this post if you haven’t already read it), it’s time to take another look at an old friend.  I refer, of course, to θεόπνευστος (“theopneustos”) from 2 Tim. 3:16.  Those who already know Greek will know, … Continue reading If Spirit = Breath, what of Theopneustos? »

The Holy Spirit – Part 2: When and Where?

In my last post I took issue with common Christian creeds’ trinitarian characterization of the Holy Spirit.  This time I’m going to take a look at another element of common Evangelical statements of faith: the claim that the Holy Spirit “indwells every believer.”  This teaching makes the claim that the Holy Spirit is bestowed upon everyone who “believes in Christ” (a phrase fraught with its … Continue reading The Holy Spirit – Part 2: When and Where? »

The Holy Spirit – Breath of God

I approach this subject with a bit more caution than some of my posts, because I know it’s going to be particularly sensitive to some readers…enough so, in fact, that a couple caveats are necessary at the outset.  First and foremost, while in the next couple posts I’m going to challenge a number of commonly-held teachings about the Holy Spirit, I am NOT denying either … Continue reading The Holy Spirit – Breath of God »

Confronting homelessness in person

Just wanted to highlight the work of a local Atlanta man who’s chosen to spend a month homeless to highlight the homelessness situation around here.  Elijah Montgomery has temporarily abandoned his comfortable job and digs, in an attempt to raise money for a coffee house he wants to start, at which he will hire homeless kids to work. You can read about his effort on … Continue reading Confronting homelessness in person »

Christopher Hitchens Interview — More evidence bad theology drives people away from Jesus

I heard a great feature this morning on NPR’s show “Morning Edition,” in which the brothers Christopher and Peter Hitchens were interviewed.  Christopher, as most of you likely know, is a world-famous atheist (I would describe him as an anti-theist fundamentalist) who rails against those who hold to faith, and who wrote the bestseller “God is Not Great.”  What I did not know is that … Continue reading Christopher Hitchens Interview — More evidence bad theology drives people away from Jesus »

The Gospel According to Heinlein, or Why Christians are sometimes God’s worst enemies…

Over the past few days I read Robert A. Heinlein’s 1984 book Job: A Comedy of Justice.  For those who enjoy mind-bending adventures with an eternal twist, I recommend it as a fun story.  Be forewarned: if you only enjoy fiction that comports with your theology and cosmology,  and you consider yourself an orthodox Christian, this book is probably not for you.  But if you … Continue reading The Gospel According to Heinlein, or Why Christians are sometimes God’s worst enemies… »

Grand Theft Jesus – Part 2 – "All About Eve"

In my previous review of Grand Theft Jesus by Robert McElvaine, I mentioned that he did a spectacular mis-exegesis of the accounts of the creation and fall in Genesis 1-3.  I’d like to dig into this a little further, as McElvaine claims that mysogyny in religion is one of religion’s (and for that matter, the world’s) biggest problems. Now I will stipulate at the outset … Continue reading Grand Theft Jesus – Part 2 – "All About Eve" »