Nailing it to the Door is becoming a joint venture!

I want to take this opportunity to introduce my readers to my dear friend Ben Bajarin.  Ben and I have been spiritual relief valves for each other for the better part of three years now.  Though we attended the same church for over a decade, it took nearly nine years before we met each other and discovered that God had stirred some common–though unusual–thoughts in … Continue reading Nailing it to the Door is becoming a joint venture! »

Why The Rapture Didn’t Happen Today and it Probably Never Will

I suppose, because of my post title, the cat is out of the bag on my eschatology. So I’ll start this post right off the bat saying, it’s my conviction that there will be no rapture of the Church. I believe the overwhelming weight of biblical evidence in no way shape or form supports a phased approach of the coming of the Lord. Let me … Continue reading Why The Rapture Didn’t Happen Today and it Probably Never Will »

Food for thought – Greg Boyd on why Determinism must be false

I’ve said before that Greg Boyd has produced some really good arguments on the Open View of God.  Greg’s got a great post on his blog from about a month ago (OK, so I’m a little behind) briefly outlining three really good reasons why determinism (a la Calvinism) is logically untenable.  Go check it out! Greg is actually responding to a previous New York Times … Continue reading Food for thought – Greg Boyd on why Determinism must be false »

Did God really abandon Jesus on the cross?

Today is Good Friday, the day we honor the supreme sacrifice Jesus Christ made when he went to his execution on the cross.   While I have argued before that Christians tend to spend too much energy and emotion on Jesus’ death and too little on his resurrection, it is still right and good that we soberly and gratefully acknowledge the suffering Jesus voluntarily accepted on … Continue reading Did God really abandon Jesus on the cross? »

Misplaced Passion

In recognition of holy week, I’m going to resurrect a piece I wrote five years ago at Easter, after I saw the film The Passion of the Christ.  Released in 2006, the film itself is clearly not news; however, as recently as this month I’ve heard fellow Christians speaking positively—almost reverently—of the film and its portrayal of Jesus’ suffering.  Notwithstanding the excellent work on Jesus’ … Continue reading Misplaced Passion »

Recommended reading on nationalism and peace

I just learned of a fellow who goes to my folks’ church in North Carolina, who has written some interesting stuff on the flag in church, the Kingdom of God, and related topics.  I encourage you to take a look at his site,  In particular, I was intrigued by this comment in his post on “Patriotism:” When people say “Freedom isn’t Free,” what they’re … Continue reading Recommended reading on nationalism and peace »

Sola Scriptura — Really!

Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone).  It’s a phrase originally made famous by the reformer Martin Luther.  I’m not clear on the historical precedent, but today I hear it most often from those who consider themselves part of the Reformed tradition–which now seems largely to mean modern Calvinism–when they recite it as one of the Five Solas.  Aside from the irony of having five “onlys” in anything,  … Continue reading Sola Scriptura — Really! »

So, do you trust the Holy Spirit, or not?

The recent debate around the blogosphere as to whether or not Rob Bell is a universalist, has got me to thinking.  There seems to be a substantial contingent within conservative Christianity, that is extremely dedicated to the notion of a hell where those who do not “believe” will suffer unending, conscious torment.  Many of these people–dear friends of mine, some of them–are not angry, vindictive … Continue reading So, do you trust the Holy Spirit, or not? »

No one comes to the Father but by me…

I am the way , and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. There are, I suppose, a variety of possible candidates, but today I submit John 14:6 as the single most blatantly misquoted saying from Jesus’ entire ministry.  Lifted completely out of context, Jesus’ statement is usually presented as “Exhibit A” for Jesus’ establishment of the exclusive … Continue reading No one comes to the Father but by me… »